Are you building this important muscle?

Are you building this important muscle?

Do you know one of the necessary ingredients for a flourishing life?


Self Efficacy. It’s the ‘I can do it’ muscle’. The mindset of ‘I can figure it out’.


People with high self efficacy have a strong belief that they can shape their destiny. They know they can’t control their circumstances, but they can intentionally build better stress responses.


They know life will suck at times. And that’s when they lean into their support, their mentors, role models, and more. They build their resources and their resiliency.


Regardless of the circumstances, I always see clients as whole, resourced, capable human beings who can create positive change. It’s been such a gift for the women I work with.


Time and time again I’ve heard a version of,

“Thank you for believing in me. It helps me believe in myself.”


Want to practice building your self efficacy? Identify a small, feasible, yet slightly challenging action you can take in the next 24 hours. Then do the damn thing.